Nothing beats pharmacy in IMU ok? Which pharmacy graduate graduates 3 times for their degree? haha! I can proudly say now, i am so sick of graduations! =.=
anyways, this was a little more exciting, in a way with the mortar and the tassel hanging around beside my big there was more of a sense of completion. One square hat does make all the difference i guess! Well, this is finally the end. THE END! The of studying for an undergraduate degree in pharmacy..woohoo!
btw, theres another thing worth being excited for in this graduation. see the pink and red things prettily wrapped? haha! er, this is quite embarassing, but ok..lets be honest. this is the biggest bouquet of flowers i have ever recieved in my 23 years of my life! and its from my beloved parents!! weeee...thx mom n dad! and its got my fav african daisies in it! wehehehe!
ok.enough of graduation.
lets see, whats next?
i went for my interview yesterday, with the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam (SPA). and my i thought i was late for the interview..thanks to road closures for the merdeka celebration in KL, i arrived there in the akwardly situated building *in-the-middle-of-no-where* (well, beside taman rama-rama? wow! how strategic that can be huh??) at 8.15am, when i was told to arrive at 8am. Guess what time was I called into the room? 1.15pm! 5 hours of waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if i knew this was going to happen, i wouldnt have woke up like 5am? just to get prepared for the traffic and all! grrrrrr..
well, interview was overall not that bad. they started off asking about expired medicines, wanting to know what I would do, as a professional if patients had expired medicines in their there i was eloborating and crapping as much as possible...blablabla..yada yada yada...
they sort of dint have any questions left to ask me..for u see..i was the 2nd last person to be interviewed that day, and furthermore, it was 1 sumtin in the afternoon, of course it was lunch time right? bet they were battling with their hungry stomachs in there! haha.
so there u go..they asked me a irrelevant question: 'In your opinion, why do you think the standard of sports today have deteriorated as compared to in the past in our country? why can't we achieved and create world-class athletes in the Malaysian society today?' wth..what has this got to do with pharmacy? as usual, thanks to my crapping ability, i was able to crack something out..haha! you dont wana know what i said..xD
then this guy in there was asking if i mind working in Sabah or Sarawak? of course not! 'Mengapa??' he asked. err..because its so far away from isolated! and he replied,' so??' sesat la! its so far away la uncle!! haha..of course i dint say that la.i just kept quiet and gave my best ever convincing smile! and he continued 'if no more place in peninsular malaysia dy, then how?' of course have to work there la..ur not giving me a choice what are u...ur like giving me a dead end, of course wherever you throw me to, ive to go lorr...aiseh..
neways, glad interview is over and done with!
Went to putrajaya today..had kinda tough time looking for the kompleks kerajaan..but im proud of myself!! weee..i did it all alone! goodie!!
ok..eyes droopy...brain shutting down.